Monday 14 September 2015


Text: 1 John 2:20; Proverbs 20:27.

Based on our text in John, an unbelievable statement was made. John said “you know all things”. It is unbelievable if John was referring to the human mind but he wasn’t referring to the human mind he was referring to the spirit of a renewed man. When John said you know all things, he meant that your spirit has information that your mind doesn’t have. In writing that verse, he was saying that the spirit can discern genuine from fake Christians that existed at that time.

If the verse in our Proverbs text (Prov. 20:27) was written today, it would have read, “The spirit of a man is the light bulb of the Lord”. That means that God will enlighten you and guide you through your spirit. In other words, God will lead you, by allowing the Holy Spirit to give you direction not through your physical ears but through your spiritual ears. The Holy Spirit will speak to your spirit so that you will know what to do at all time. But Many times however, we seek guidance and direction through other means except the way God said we should get guidance.

Most people also do not hear when the Holy Spirit speaks to their spirits! Why? They lack spiritual sensitivity. When you lack spiritual sensitivity, you will have no choice but to depend on your physical senses and mental calculation and the Bible says emphatically that these will fail you.

Lacking spiritual sensitivity is a dangerous state to be in because you will lose several things in life by depending on direction from your senses which are extremely limited.

The question now is how do you develop spiritual sensitivity?

(1) Get rid of sin – sin deadens your spiritual senses. (1 Tim. 4: 1 – 2)
(2) Cultivate a prayer life – It activates your spiritual senses. (Jude 24, 1 Cor. 2: 9 – 15)
(3) Obedience – if you keep disobeying God’s voice, you won’t hear new directions. (Job 36: 11 -12)
(4) Meditation – if you don’t cultivate a quiet spirit or carve out some time for seclusion and you are always in noise mode, it will be difficult to improve your spiritual sensitivity. God speaks in quietness (1 kings 19: 11 – 12)
(5) Spiritual exercise helps improve spiritual sensitivity. Physical exercise develops spiritual muscle so spiritual exercise develops spiritual muscles. (1 Tim. 4: 7 – 8; Heb. 5:14)
(6) Fasting deadens the voice of the flesh and Heightens the voice of the spirit.
(7) A close walk with God. The closer you get to God, the easier it is for you to decode spiritual signals.
(8) Let your heart be constantly primed in a disposition of dependence on God. (Jer. 17: 5 -10)
(9) Keep a tender heart. Your conscience must be alive and tender for it to receive spiritual things.
(10) Nourish your spirit man. Feed it well with the word of God, so that the ear of d spirit will be more alert and sensitive than your physical ears. I would say emphatically that mankind is deaf, dumb and blind without the help of the Holy Spirit.

God Bless You

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