Monday 1 June 2015

Why Holiness Matters

Over and over in the Bible, our holy God calls His people to holiness. “But, just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do” 1 Peter 1:15. This call is echoed through numerous New Testament writers to God’s people throughout history. We must not only heed the call, we must encourage others to heed it as well.

This call is for our good and God’s glory. A holy life not only sets us free from the bondage and consequences of sin (Romans 6:22), it also paves the way for deep intimacy with God(Psalm 15:1-2). As we live holy lives, reflecting God’s character to the world, we become bright lights pointing a dark world to Christ (Matthew 15:14-16).

Three Steps Toward Holiness
Those of us in leadership should be leading the charge to holiness, urging those we influence to live holy lives. How can we do that? 

Here are 3 steps in the right direction. 

 1.Tell Them Why – Tell why they should be holy and why they would want to be holy. Teach about it in Bible study. Use what’s happening in our culture and current events to bring it into everyday conversation.

2. Show Them What
– As leaders, let’s model holiness. Show them what it looks like in a believer’s daily life. “Holy” doesn’t mean self-righteous or judgmental. Just set a humble, but holy example.

3. Teach Them How
  – Instruction in holy living should be an element of every discipleship, mentoring, and accountability relationship. Teach them to identify sin in their lives and get rid of it. Help them spot areas of weakness and vulnerability so they can protect themselves from temptation.

If you are a church leader, women’s ministry leader, mentor, teacher, or parent the holiness of God’s people under your care is your responsibility. Tell them why, show them what, teach them how. For their good and God’s glory.

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