Monday 15 June 2015

How to Prepare for a Move of God

How do we prepare ourselves for a move of God? First, read Acts 2 to learn what was happening in the lives of the disciples. As a side note, always make sure the Word being taught is the real deal regardless of the source. Anyone can twist scripture to make it say what they want. Get in the habit of reading and studying the Bible for yourself so you will never be duped by false or misleading teaching.

                             To prepare Yourself and Your Church for a move of God
There must be unity in the Church (Acts 2:1). In order to see a move of God there must be unity in the church and in our families. Acts 2:1 says the disciples were “all together in one
accord and in one place.” Over the years we’ve had folks say things like, “I know we missed the service, but we were with you in spirit.” Excuse me? Your spirit is in your body. The only way we are going to be together is if you bring your body to church! It’s difficult to have unity in the local church if people never worship, study or fellowship with one another.

You must hear a sound from heaven (Acts 2:2). In order to see a move of God your pastor must be hearing from Him. Many pastors wait until the last minute then pull a sermon off a book  and read it to the congregation on Sunday morning. I’m not saying it’s wrong to use other sources, but if your pastor is not trying to personally hear from God your church will be lifeless. If you are in a church like this you might consider finding a new one and i highly recommend Dominion City to you and your entire generation.

You must be filled with the Spirit (Acts 2:4). See also Ephesians 5:18-19 and Acts 2:15. Acts 2:4 says that they were all filled with the spirit. If Christians operate only in their flesh trouble will ensue. Being filled with the spirit is an ongoing process because we have a lot of leaks! The only way to continually be filled with the spirit is to spend time daily with God in prayer, worship and Bible study.

The world must see something different (Acts 2:15-16). In this passage people saw things happening they had never seen before. For a move of God to occur, people need to see and hear something different, something genuine, both in us and the church. Not just religiosity, but Christians who say what they mean and mean what they say.

Church leaders must have the support of others (Acts 2:14). The other disciples stood behind Peter in full support even after he denied the Lord. As a result, over 3,000 people were added to the church that day. Because a person is called to ministry doesn’t mean they are perfect and will always say or do everything right. They are only human and subject to failure like the rest of us. Make sure you encourage your leaders by letting them know you support them.

The Word must be taught (Acts 2:16). See also Isaiah 55:10-11 and Hebrews 4:12. Peter quoted large and obscure passages of scripture in Acts 2. The disciples didn’t have the luxury of reading passages from a bible – they had to know it. If God is going to do a work in people’s hearts, the Word must be used. Take time to study the Bible, but also to memorize passages that are meaningful to you.

There must be conviction (Acts 2:37). This is not what people want to hear, but when God begins to move people will be convicted. John 16:8-11 tells us the Holy Spirit came to convict us of sin. Many Christians are so concerned about offending people they water down the truth in order to make it easier for them to digest. God said his Word would (not might) bring offense (conviction) which helps keep us out of trouble.

Continued ministry must take place (Acts 2:41- 42). After they experienced the move of God and became part of the local church, the new Christians were “continually devoting themselves to the Apostles teaching, fellowship and prayer.” It’s not enough to have God touch your life, you must be discipled, you must join a cell group – which includes being taught and held accountable by other believers. As Christians, if we aren’t growing we are dying.

God Bless you 
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