Tuesday 23 June 2015


Winning the battle for your covering will help you win all the other battles. Hence, there are two kinds of faith you must have to win the battles of life and to survive in this last days; faith in God and faith in the prophets of God (also known as your pastor or the covering over your life).

The Bible says in Gen. 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image after our likeness: and let them have dominion…”. When God said let us make man…and let them have dominion, He actually divided the responsibility between God and man, and to achieve this, God sent us two helpers – the Holy Spirit and the Prophet He has brought into your life. Every man that was born physically was
born by a parent, likewise any man that will be spiritually born would be born by a parent too; not necessarily the ones that led you to Christ but the ones that nurtured you till you grew in the things of God. Do not take them lightly; if you lose them, you’ve lost the battle for your covering.

I’ve seen this battle destroy people. The bible says in Hosea 12:13 that the Lord used a prophet to bring Israel out of Egypt  who also cared for them. God could have done the work in any other way, but He gave that responsibility to the prophet.

In the case of John the Baptist, he had been insulting Herod since yet nothing happened to him; nobody could touch him but the moment he lost the battle for his covering (when he questioned the authority of Jesus in Luke 7:20), he was beheaded.

David faced this battle when Saul was his covering (1 Sam. 24:4); he had the opportunity of taking Saul’s life but he didn’t. Physically, Saul’s life was in danger but spiritually, David’s life was. He was conscious and wise enough to win this battle.

When you open your mouth to criticize somebody who have laboured over your life, you lose your covering. You must do everything to maintain a good relationship with your covering.

Note that God didn't just give Elisha the double potion of Elijah’s anointing, he had to get it by staying under Elijah, because God has designed it in such a way that the blessings flow from one person to the next. Many times in the scriptures when a man is being introduced, they start by introducing his father and his lineage. In Rev. 5:5 as Jesus was introduced, He was called by the name of His lineage (the root of David). In Gen. 27:37, the story of Esau & Jacob, Isaac pronounced Jacob Lord over Esau because he was their covering, and so every word was settled and came to pass in their lives just as he spoke it. Such is the case of the servants of God; don’t allow your Pastor labour and cry over you. Many times God will speak to your prophets about your destiny. It is your prophet that will pray you into your destiny because they will give accounts for your destiny. Hence, guard this knowledge with all your heart, because you cannot afford to lose this battle.  God Bless You

Scripture Reference:  2 Chronicles 20:20
