Monday 1 June 2015

9 Tips for Spending Quality Quiet Time with God

I believe that this is a great time to renew our commitment to spiritual disciplines. Perhaps the busyness of our daily lives drew us away from quiet time with God. Perhaps we got so caught up in the problems and demands of life we drifted away without even realizing it.

Quiet Time Tips
Whatever the reason, we can start again. God is waiting for us to turn our attention and our hearts back to Him. The following 9 tips will help us not only stick to our daily appointment with God, they will also help us really connect with Him.

1. Establish a regular place and time – We are creatures of habit. If we know when and where we will meet with God daily we are much more likely to do it. Build it into your daily schedule. If this is new for you, start small, commit to it and God will grow it.

2. Organize your “tool” box
– Gather your tools (Bible, reading plan, journal, pen, etc.) and keep them together in your designated spot so you’ll always be prepared. (I’ve found having a reading plan greatly increases the chance of me staying in the Word regularly. Without a plan, reading stays haphazard at best. I will soon make reading plans available on my personal devotion.

3. Start with prayer – Ask God to speak to you and help you understand His Word today. Thank Him for meeting with you.

4. Begin to read the Bible
– Remember your purpose is to communicate with God. Expect God to speak to you through His Word. Don’t read hastily just to get through the passage. Let God stop you.

5. Meditate on the passage
– Meditation is not emptying your mind. It is deep thinking on spiritual truths. As you read, linger over verses that impact you. Ask God questions and “listen” for His answers. Does this passage reveal something you should …

    Believe about God?
    Praise or thank or trust God for?
    Pray about for yourself or others?
    Make a decision about? Act on?

6. Pray as you read – Time with God should be interactive. Respond to God as He speaks to you through His Word.

7. Journal – Record what God says to you and how you will respond. Writing can help you stay focused on God and His voice.

8. Memorize – Commit to memorize verses God calls special attention to. Knowing Scripture by heart helps us guard against sin, reminds us of God’s promises, provides guidance, and allows us to meditate on God’s Word anywhere and anytime. (I will soon make available on my personal devotion some tips for memorizing Scriptures.)

9. Application – Apply to your life whatever God says to you through prayer and His Word. It may be repentance. It may be a change in behavior. It may be a specific action.

Am trusting God that this teaching will transform your entire christian life and put you on the road to living the exalted life.

God bless you.

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