Thursday 28 May 2015


An author Mark Twain once made a very powerful statement, “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why”. The bible completely agrees with this statement (see prov. 29:18)
Jesus lived His life with this as a guiding principle. The bible says He came to do what was written about Him in the  volume of the books (Heb. 10:7). In order words, He lived a life of purpose that was driven by vision.

A man without a vision is an extremely poor man. Poverty of vision is worse than financial poverty.

What is a vision?
A vision is a mental picture of a preferred future. In order words, it’s the picture you have in your spirit about your future. Thus, your life gravitates towards that future. If you are a Christian, whatever vision you have should line up with God’s purpose for your life.
How did Steven Spielberg direct and produce so many movies as successful as Jurassic Park, Saving Private Ryan, Jaws or even his latest War Horse? How does Adele write world-class music in an era when very few elite performers pen their own lyrics? The answers all involve vision. The best leaders are able to see a vision and then activate it by stepping forward. In addition, they’re willing to sacrifice to see the vision come to fruition. Finally, they realize the importance of surrounding themselves and their vision with an incredible team.

So to move your life in the direction of your preferred future:

1. See the Vision
Many people don’t jump start their lives because they don’t see anything to jump to. They plod along through life with little more than survival in mind. In other words, they just live from day to day not thinking about the future. Visionaries dare to dream. They peer into the future and generate possibilities in their mind’s eye.

2. Step Toward the Vision
Some people see the vision, but they never step toward it. They cannot seem to summon the courage to overcome their fear, or they cannot find the passion to get past their apathy. As a consequence, their vision sits on the shelf until it spoils, or until someone else takes initiative to claim it.
Let me put it this way. “Vision is not enough. It must be combined with action. It is not enough to stare up the steps; we must step up the stairs.”

 More than two months before Alexander Graham Bell submitted his patent for the telegraph, Elisha Gray had already arrived at the conclusion that voice could be transmitted over a telegraph wire. Why then is Elisha Gray anonymous and Alexander Bell a celebrated inventor? Because Gray procrastinated two months before putting his vision on paper; when he finally finished his sketch, Gray delayed another four days before taking it to the patent office. When he finally made up his mind to go, he arrived two hours too late. Bell had already secured the patent, and Gray’s idea was worthless.

3. Sacrifice for the Vision
Visionaries sacrifice current pleasures of sleep, and other desires to create time for pursuing their vision.

4. Get a team.
No vision can be accomplished alone.

 Connect to 3 kinds of people:
(A) Moses: his role is to provide spiritual covering.
(B) Jethro: his role is to offer mentorship. He should be someone who has walked the road you are about to walk and has succeeded.
(C) Caleb: his role or their role is to work directly with you to accomplish the vision.
(D) Joshua: someone you are teaching everything you know.

Vision is a powerful virtue. look into the lives of Abraham, moses and the other generals, they were all men of vision.

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