Friday 3 April 2015

The Three Levels Of Knowledge (Part 1)

There are two kinds of failures in life:
  • People that don't know; and
  • People that are lazy to do what they know.
Today, I want to deal with the first problem ― ignorance. If you are in that category, I want you to meditate on this message continually until you internalize it. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32.

The height to which you can grow to in life, depends on what you know. Ignorance is what will hinder you from getting whatever you have desired in life. Knowledge is what separates the weak from the mighty; the rich from the poor; and winners from losers. The highest level of knowledge you have will determine the kind of results you will get from life.

The Three Levels Of Knowledge
Any human being that has their five senses working can access this first level. Most of the knowledge that form and govern human life, operates at this realm. People that operate in this realm are natural men. If all you can see is with your physical eye, then you are blind. If your ear is the only instrument you have for hearing, then you are really deaf. Discussions are going on now around the world but once you have the right receiver (cable TV, satellite decoder, mobile phone, etc.) you can decode it and give your ear mind-boggling abilities. We live in a world full of limitations.
I have done several intensive studies on men that have shaped the world. Several of them were inventors or were notable for some great accomplishment. What amazes me about these men are that they usually have the ability to look beyond the senses into a higher dimension ― REVELATION.

Say this with me:
Father, open my eyes that I might see. Open the eyes of my understanding. Give me the illumination that comes from inside; that eye that can discover and create things. Give me that eye that can discern and understand . Give me that inner eye that can see beyond what is obvious and key into opportunities. Anoint me with the spirit of wisdom and revelation.