Saturday 4 April 2015


Life is man’s greatest resource and it is given to fulfill a preconceived purpose. It will be a foolish thing not to live according to the blue-print of life specified by the author of life (God). Life is a resource and for this reason we must not misuse or abuse it. The life we live on earth is temporal but it is given to gain eternal resources that are beyond this earth. Hence, how you live your life on earth would determine the state of your life in eternity.

God does not care how much you have on earth; He is more concerned with how productive you are with what you have. So, after all is said and done, the measure of your life would not be how long you lived, but how well you lived.
If you don’t understand life, you will misuse or abuse it, and ultimately lose it. That’s what Jesus illustrated to us in Matthew. 25:14-30. The attitude people have to life determines what they do with their lives. These attitudes and actions separate the human family into 3 groups;
1. Those that waste their lives
2. Those that spend their lives
3. Those that invest their lives

The Wasted life
The word ‘waste’ is to spend or bring to ruin and to lose it. A wasted life lived to pursue survival and meet the needs of the body – what you will eat, drink or wear. It is driven and controlled by the desires of the flesh and the pleasures of life. Jesus warned against living life that way (Luke 12:22-34)

The Spent life
This is a life lived solely for self-actualization, without regard for others. Though the ‘spent life’ is not bad in itself, it is not the kind of life that counts. The spent life is a life of mediocrity. It is lived to satisfy the soul primarily – to build and maintain status quo, to satisfy ego; and though it is not necessarily wasted, it is not used to fulfill what the manufacturer made it for.

The Invested life
The invested life is the life lived in pursuit of purpose. The pursuit of purpose is the essence we live. Everybody has a unique assignment in life. An invested life is a life that is passionate about solving problems, because your assignment in life is designed to solve particular problem on earth, which is part of God’s greater plan for redeeming this earth (Obadiah 21).
Therefore, to live to fulfill your assignment is to invest your life.

The invested life is a life lived to help and improve the lives of others whether through prayer, giving of resources, sacrifice or service. Men who give their lives for a worthy cause never die, they reproduce their lives at the end, and save it for eternity. Jesus, our example, lived His life for one intention – to do the will of God (John 4:34). He invested his life, and in turn has many disciples (John 12:24-28).
What are you living for? Is your life being wasted, spent or invested? Remember, it is not how long you live that matters, but how well you live. Decide today to give your life for what will count at the end, and you will be blessed for it both in this life and in the life to come.

Scripture Reference: Mathew. 14: 14-20
